As they have a certain amount of predator blood in them, they
could react critically to ketamine, which is used for surgical
procedures. Sa- vannah cats are also very sensitive to
vaccination. A veterinarian must use different products that are
specific to exotic or hybrid-bred felines. Being hybrids, F1
through F4 Savannah males are always sterile with very few
exceptions. The females are reliably fertile from the first gen-
I recommend informing the veterinarian about purchasing a
hybrid fe- line sohe canprepareandeducatehimself in case the
Savannah cat needsany veterinarian support.
What are thekey characteristics of Savannah cats?
Despite their origin from a wild cat, Savannah cats are
comparable in terms of attitude with other domestic cats.
Savannah cats of the first and second generation are bigger and
especially taller thandomestic cats. Since they are closest to the
African Serval, they are the ones that re- quire the most
attention. They bond very strongly to their owners and need a lot
of time. In F3 cats and all cats of later generations, the more
domestic traits come out, the size decreases, but they retain
their long legs, bigearsand theirwild appearance.
Savannah cats of all generations have very loving and outgoing
person- alities. They arehighly intelligent and learnquickly. They
are very affec- tionate and follow their favourite person around
like a dog throughout the house. Some even love to play fetch.
Unlike other cats theyare not
afraid of water and love to play with it. Their jumping ability is
superior to the normal domestic cat. ASavannah cat expects to
be a familymember that is involved in every activity, rather than
being just ausual house pet.
Are Savannah cats any different from ‘normal’ cat breeds when
it comes to feeding? If so, what is a balanced diet for a
Savannah cat? Savannah cats need to be fed a high-quality cat
food in wet and dry form. The cats should get a high-nutrient,
well-balanced food as well as cooked or raw chicken. The
nutrition must be grain-free, no corn, as it is hard to digest for
thecats andcould cause intestinal problems.
Are Savannah cats rather recommended for single people or are
they family andkids-friendly?What about other pets?
There is nobetter family pet thanaSavannah cat. ASavannah
of lower generation is the perfect choice for a family with other
pets and small children. As the higher generations are very time-
consuming and re- quire special permits, I particularly
recommend lower generations, as F3 or SBT Savannahs. They
aremore consistent in their type, personal- ity and sizeare better
foreseeableand their temperament is predictable. These cats are
very social and just want to have friends to play with. They love
being around children and other pets. They can easily be kept in
the house or in a spacious apartment. Most of them love to
explore the outside in the safety of an enclosed area or on a